Domini Games proudly presents the latest captivating installment in the Enchanted Kingdom series!
Chaos has erupted in the Tar-Liss Empire! An ancient dragon has returned to take revenge on the Empire and transform all of humanity into dark creatures. Can you heal the residents of the Empire and put a stop to his evil plan, or will you find yourself his next victim? Find out in this exhilarating hidden-object puzzle adventure game! - Enchanted Kingdom: The Fiend of Darkness Collector's Edition
Stop an evil dragon from plunging the Empire into darkness!
Stop an evil dragon from plunging the Empire into darkness!
- The dark dragons return for vengeance in the exciting bonus chapter!
- Complete your collection of dragons and lore!
- Spend your Dragon Eggs to equip your Imperial Laboratory!
- Enjoy exclusive artwork, wallpapers, achievements, and more!
- Never get lost with the strategy guide!
Some related series of Enchanted Kingdom: The Fiend of Darkness Collector's Edition:
Enchanted Kingdom: Frost Curse Collector's Edition
Can you stop the frost curse from destroying your home in time?
Enchanted Kingdom: Master of Riddles Collector's Edition
Can you bring magic back in time to save your home?
Enchanted Kingdom: The Secret of the Golden Lamp
Can you save your dad from a genie bent on revenge?
Enchanted Kingdom: The Secret of the Golden Lamp Collector's Edition
Can you save your dad from a genie bent on revenge?
Enchanted Kingdom: Arcadian Backwoods
Can you stop history from repeating itself before it’s too late?
Enchanted Kingdom: Arcadian Backwoods Collector's Edition
Can you stop history from repeating itself before it’s too late?
Enchanted Kingdom: Descent of the Elders
Only you can stop the crystals raining down on Tar and stealing energy.
Enchanted Kingdom: Descent of the Elders Collector's Edition
Only you can stop the crystals raining down on Tar and stealing energy.
Enchanted Kingdom: The Fiend of Darkness
Stop an evil dragon from plunging the Empire into darkness!
Enchanted Kingdom: Fog of Rivershire Collector's Edition
Save the citizens of Rivershire from a terrible plague!
Enchanted Kingdom: A Stranger's Venom Collector's Edition
Can you keep history from destroying the present?
Enchanted Kingdom: A Dark Seed Collector's Edition
Only you can save the kingdom from a mysterious disease!
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows - CPU: 2.0 GHz - RAM: 1 GB
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